Friday, December 30, 2011

alfred is on duty

This is Alfred the plastic owl.He is now on duty on a full time basis to keep those minor birds away.I have come down to my little patch to find my 5 tomato had been attacked by minor birds.I also suspect they are eating the strawberries also.
So far the total harvest weight is a massive 215 grams (just some runner beans and spinach),but the rest of the plants are starting to flower and i am very hopeful of some great vegies very soon.I would love to produce about 50 kilos of food from my little patch in the first year so i still have a long way to go and because i am new to vegie growing i am not sure if this is possible in such a small space.
I would love to find people around Wollongong who have the same idea as me and would be happy to swap ideas and vegies with anyone who thinks that we all need to start helping each other to produce our own food and live more like a community and not the "must have it now" society we have become.So anyone who is intrested please send me an email on this blog.
happy vegies

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

the garden of edan

Hi everyone, my name is Matt and i have been bitten by the self sufficiency bug and would love to have a farm but alas, this is not possible ...... yet. So in the mean time my little patch in the backyard will have to do.

I only have enough room for two small vegie patches which i made from palletts. I cut the middle section out of the palletts and stacked them two high so there is room for the root vegies but not to deep as i had to buy the soil and as you all know good soil costs a fair bit of cash.I also have a few styrofoam boxes and small pots on the back landing and steps.

The vegies i have in the at the moment are carrots,silverbeet,climbing beans,chilli,tomato,and zucchini.A few herbs like basil,thyme,parsley and oregano and the odd strawberry plant here and there.

I started this blog to help me map out what works with what and in what season,how long things take to grow and what offers a good crop in a small area.

If you have a few tips on how i can make my humble patch thrive i would love to hear from you.

Thanks and happy vegies